Happy New Year, everyone. It’s a time of intention setting, resolution creating, and goal setting— or is it?
Each year, people seem less dedicated to setting a resolution and doing their best to survive.
Sometimes, saying things like, “I’m not gonna even claim this year as my year. I’m just gonna show up.” And you know what? People are still reaching their goals and excelling in life. They’re just not setting expectations on January 1st.
Join us tonight as we discuss why we think resolutions might be displaced at the start of the year.
Conversation points:
- Did we set any resolutions? If yes, what and why?
- SMART goals
- How do we set goals for ourselves
- Accountability
- Action plans
- Springtime/spring cleaning/Imbolc
- pagan wheel of the year? Represents life, death, and rebirth (Imbolc in February)
- Jesus says, “Let your yes be a yes, and No be a No,” and “Tomorrow is promised to no one.” Yet how many churches will have New Year’s resolution sermons??
How about also, like society and culture and a capitalistic consumer-driven mindset to consistently push us towards more self-help products and improvement and an endless cycle of not being good enough and always having to be a better version of yourself because just being alive is not enough?